4 things I would ask of you as your Pastor….
- Would you plan to stay after worship this Sunday for a brief prayer of dedication for the new building? We want to pray God’s blessing on the construction and future use of our new education building. We plan to keep this very short as we commit the entire process to the Lord. Join with your church family this Sunday.
- Would you make a special effort to come to the Prayer & Praise gathering, this Sunday night at 6PM? A healthy church is a PRAYING church. God accomplishes His will through the prayers of His people. We don’t have these gatherings as often as we should. I would love to see our fellowship hall jammed with people who are eager to pray for the needs of HLPC, the community, our nation, and our world. Please come! Nursery is provided and coffee and dessert will be enjoyed after.
- Would you be praying NOW for our Easter Week services? Please plan to join us for Maundy Thursday at 7PM and for Easter Sunday worship. Please invite family and friends to worship with us. Please pray for clear and bold gospel proclamation.
- Would you consider how you can support VBS, June 1-5? We REALLY need folks to sign up to help. This is a great ministry week for our church in so many ways. Yes, it takes a lot out of us but it’s well worth it. We get to minister to our own kids as well as those from our community.