HLPC family,
We remain thankful for Kenny and Katy Rahn, and I was glad for us to take a moment to recognize Kenny and his ministry to HLPC this past Sunday, as he takes Elder Emeritus status. While this will relieve him of any formal responsibilities as a Ruling Elder, I know he’ll be as encouraging and supportive as he’s always been. Let’s continue to pray for his improving health.
These next two weeks will see a lot of activity and ministry here in our facility. This week Dear we have over 50 youth and leaders representing five PCA churches participating in “Soul to Soul.” This week focuses on mercy ministry projects in our area during the day and each evening the youth gather for worship, a shared meal, and some fun activity. Please pray for safety, energy, and for a great week of drawing closer to the Lord. Pray for Zach Hood as well as the great help a number of our own members are providing.
Next week, June 6-10, is our annual Vacation Bible School. As of this writing, we have over 60 children enrolled. Please pray for Jessica Fuqua and all the VBS volunteers as we seek to share the gospel and point all of the children to the Lord Jesus. This is a fun week, and our team of helpers will have no trouble falling asleep each night!
As you can tell, a lot is happening. For this reason please make these things a priority for prayer in the upcoming days.
Your Pastor,