A Church’s Generational Legacy

Dear HLPC family,

This past weekend I officiated the wedding of our niece, Amy, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  She is the oldest daughter of Connie’s sister, Susie.  We had a great time with family and enjoyed not only the wedding celebration but the time to worship at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the church Connie grew up in and at which her father once served as an Elder.

Performing a wedding at Coral Ridge Presbyterian is a unique privilege for me because it’s the same church in which Connie and I were married almost 36 years ago.  It’s also the church in which we held the funeral for Connie’s Dad.  There are a lot of memories held in that place.

I’ve been reading a book that has triggered a lot of thought.  The book is entitled The Great De Churching  by Jim Davis and Michael Graham. These two graduates of Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando (where I did my Doctor of Ministry degree) did extensive research on what they call the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history.  People are leaving the church in large numbers—many of whom would not cite a theological shift as a reason for doing so!  COVID exacerbated this problem, but it was happening already.  This is an issue we need to consider carefully for future ministry.  We assume that large numbers of professing Christians leave the church when they get to a secular university and sit under professors who want to destroy the faith of students. That’s not the case.  When it comes to the younger demographic, the exodus is happening before college.  This speaks to our need to have strong families and a ministry that is building up the faith of our youth.  Fun and games youth ministry with no content will not capture the hearts of youth—the gospel can.

What does this have to do with a wedding at Coral Ridge?  I want HLPC to have a generational legacy, like Coral Ridge, as I’m sure you do as well.  What will that take? Not gimmicks, not pyrotechnics in worship, but a ministry built on a genuine passion for the Lord fueled by God centered worship, expositional preaching of the Scriptures, intercessory prayer, and rich fellowship and strong community. 

I want the kids who grow up here to have lasting memories of a church that brought them up in the faith and continues to call people to Jesus and to fellowship with His body.  I want them and future generations to see HLPC as a true home where the faces may change over the years but the commitment to Jesus and His Word never does.

Your Pastor,
