A Good Tired: My Annual VBS Pastor’s Pen

This is one of my most energizing and exhausting weeks of the year. It’s VBS week at HLPC. By the time you read this, we should be over the hump with 3 of 5 days completed at “Camp Kilimanjaro”. I’m thankful to God for a really good week so far.

Why is this an energizing week? It’s energizing to see so many people in our church family working together for a week of ministry. It’s amazing to see all the many cogs in the machine of VBS working together for the sake of ministry to children. I get a front row seat to such ministry.

We have people from all ages and stages of life pitching in. It started with our wonderful decorations that went up Saturday. Some are now providing the crucial task of childcare for VBS workers; some are preparing snacks, performing skits, or leading in crafts and music. Some are teaching the Bible lesson while others review Bible memory work. Many other necessary tasks are getting accomplished as well. Let us not forget the youth who are helping lead recreation with yours truly. I’m always encouraged and thankful for this week as it gives me a picture of every member ministry.

I believe the Lord is answering the prayers of his people and the prayers we offered together this past Sunday night for this year’s VBS. Please continue to pray for God to be at work in the hearts of these children, that he would give the workers a love for the children we serve and that He would continue to grant us safety (we’ve survived two wasp stings). Pray that the gospel is presented clearly. We have a number of children here this week who are outside of the HLPC church family.

What about the exhaustion? I’m 51 years old and am helping lead recreation. ‘Nuff said.