A Word for Carolina Mountain Mission

Last year we took our inaugural group to the Carolina Mountain Mission.  This ministry, founded by Andy Pipher, has served the people of western North Carolina in and around the Canton area for several years. The ministry that takes place there is very encouraging.

            Andy was with us last year and told us his story and the opportunity to see and participate in the work was a great privilege.  Our group did a wide range of ministry activities during the week from yard work, to painting, to visiting widows, to building a wheelchair ramp.  It was a good week.

            This week is tailor made for families with school age kids through young adult.   While staying in a “rustic” camp setting, called Camp Hope, you get to serve others throughout the week.  It’s a structed week with built in recreation and Andy works to keep the emphasis on ministry.  I was impressed by how he stressed relationships over task completion and wanted all who are there to be in Word and prayer each day to be equipped for a day of ministry.

         If you are interested in going on this trip July 19-25, please let us know here at the church office. We really want to make a decision whether to take a team this year by Friday, February 14th.  If you want even more information, please go to www.carolinamountainmission.com