HLPC is here for the glory of God to be a graciously redeemed worshiping body that proclaims and lives in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that lives, families, and communities in Houston County and beyond may know Christ in all His fullness.
At HLPC our purpose is both to experience and extend the power of God’s grace in Houston County. We long to be an inwardly growing and outwardly-facing community. To that end, we prayerfully pursue church health. What is a healthy church? Our vision for church health, derived from the picture we get in Acts 2:42-47, is that of a worshiping church, a caring church, an equipping church, and a reaching church. Put another way, we want to be a body of believers experiencing God-centered, Christ exalting worship, genuine community, nurturing instruction, and a passion for people to come to know Christ as King and Savior
Houston Lake is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a group of churches whose theological beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms.
Please feel free to contact our pastor or one of our elders if you have any questions about what we believe the Bible teaches.