Worship is a key function of the church. Our worship at HLPC is designed to be God-centered, gospel ordered, and marked by reverential joy. We want it to be participatory and not a spectator sport. We want to avoid an entertainment model of worship. We gladly utilize the resources of the past such as hymns and historic creeds but also realize God is at work in the Church today and utilize music and forms of our own time. Some might call the music/hymnody we use “blended”. We’re ok with that, but you’ll notice that we strive to maintain sound doctrinal expressions in all aspects of worship. Our music may be more accessible, but we joyfully utilize mostly hymns set to recent tunes.
We gather each Lord’s Day for worship at 10:30AM and observe the Lord’s Supper most every Sunday. On the first Sunday of every month we have evening worship services at 6PM. We also enjoy a potluck after Lord’s Day morning worship each quarter.