Dear HLPC family,
Connie and I have a copy of Sinclair Ferguson’s recently released book entitled The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: A Daily Advent Devotional. In the introduction Ferguson writes: “Today’s children are not the first to think that Christmas can’t come soon enough. Indeed, that was the feeling of generations of Old Testament believers…”
That sense of anticipation and expectation is what we seek to capture during the season of Advent. Advent celebration is not mandated in Scripture, but its underlying premise–that of waiting on the One to come and the recognition of God’s faithfulness to His covenant–is. God promised a Messiah, the Anointed One, whose nature and purpose comes into clearer and clearer focus in the Old Testament. Jesus was the fulfillment of that long-awaited promise that becomes reality in the pages of the New Testament.
We just entered the Advent season. I look forward to spending some time in those Psalms that look ahead to the coming of Jesus in our sermon series, “Psalms for the Season.” We call them the Messianic Psalms. This Sunday, Lord willing, we will consider Psalm 16.
Ferguson also says in his book “God may seem slow, but he is always on time.” That was true in the coming of Jesus. Ferguson reminds us of Charles Wesley’s line in his hymn, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,” Late in time, behold him come, offspring of the Virgin’s womb. It may have felt “late in time,” but it was according to God’s Sovereign timetable. God may seem slow to work in our own lives and circumstances, but He’s not forgotten us, and He will act according to His own holy and wise purposes.
If you’re looking for a great read this Christmas time, may I commend Sinclair Ferguson’s book to you? Order it today and you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy it during Advent. Hope to see you this week on the second Sunday of Advent!
Your Pastor,