Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace. In the day of my trouble, I call upon you, for you answer me. Psalm 86:6-7
Dear HLPC family,
What I continually love about the Psalms is how true to life they are. They contain the heartfelt cries of God’s people in practically every circumstance we could face. They rejoice in God’s character and yet at the same time voice lament and discouragement. John Calvin said of the Psalms, “I have been accustomed to call this book, I think not inappropriately, ‘An Anatomy of the Soul;’ for there is not an emotion of which anyone can be conscious that is not here represented as in a mirror.”
In times of trouble and fear, we need to call upon the Lord. Life in a fallen world has pain and difficulty. I hope in these days you are availing yourself of this great resource to comfort and encourage you. Let the Psalms give you some language in prayer and also let them point you to the Lord’s steadfast love and faithfulness.
Much thanks to our sound team and others who worked hard to diagnose our issues and address them in regard to the livestream. We hear things went much more smoothly this past week. We are grateful to God for answered prayer.
I hope you’ll join tonight at 7PM us via Zoom for our look into “Perseverance and Assurance.” There’s a lot to be encouraged about in this study.
Your Pastor,