For yet another year I get a front row seat for a week of ministry here at HLPC. I’m so glad we offer Vacation Bible School to our church family and to our community as both are well represented here this week. It’s so encouraging seeing some of the same children who were with us last year come again. It tells me they enjoy this week our church offers.
What are some of the encouragements this week?
- Seeing a wide age range of help from our church family from Prime Timers to young moms to teens.
- Seeing families from surrounding neighborhoods and nearby bring their children.
- Watching the “HLPC players” put their drama and comedic talents to use in the morning skit.
- Hearing the kids memorize Scripture and know they are being taught the value and authority of God’s Word in their lives.
- Having the opportunity to present and share the gospel of God’s grace in Jesus Christ to over 100 children.
Thank you to all who are helping or have helped in any way. Special thanks must go to Valynda Phifer for her willingness to serve as our VBS director this year. A lot of time goes in to that job!
It’s been a great few days. We give God thanks for answered prayer in that regard. Please be praying for the remainder of the week that much fruit will come from this week of ministry to children.