Pastor's Pen

Helpful articles to help you through the week.

Semper Reformanda

Dear HLPC family I’ve been encouraged by the Adult School of Discipleship class being taught by Erik Fuqua, Chuck Ezell, and Ryan Watson on Presbyterian church history.  Rather than being a big pat on the back for us, I believe…

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Bankson Update

Dear HLPC family, Thank you so much for your prayers for travel safety and for the opportunity to speak at a Pastor’s Conference in Mexico City during Thanksgiving Week (on Thanksgiving Day I had tostados instead of turkey).  It was…

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Looking Unto Jesus

Dear HLPC family, At least once a year I like to share with you a real gem from Charles Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning by Morning. It’s one of my favorites that needs repeated attention. Spurgeon, as you know, was the well…

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Three Lessons

Dear HLPC family, As my family and I draw near to the end of our internship and prepare to start the final year of my seminary training, there are several observations that I’m grateful to our Lord to have experienced…

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“I Love VBS!”

Dear HLPC family, It’s time for my annual “Praise God for VBS” Pastor’s Pen!  Once again, we have a great group of kids and a fantastic group of volunteers.  Yes, it’s a tiring week for all involved, but we get…

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Psalm 107:43

Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things;  let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD. Psalm 107:43 (ESV) Dear HLPC family, I’ve taken to reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day in an effort to gain…

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Maundy Thursday

Dear HLPC family, Our church does not follow a strict liturgical calendar.  If we did, we would be highlighting and celebrating many additional and different days and seasons of the year.  What we, and many other churches out of the…

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Church Update

Dear HLPC family, Thanks to all that stayed for our AWOL gathering this past Sunday.  I’m grateful for the work of our Deacons in presenting a financial update for the church and I’m always happy to review our desires and…

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Ephesians & Empanadas

Dear HLPC family, Once again, greetings from Santiago, Chile.  My time here is almost halfway over and I remain thankful for the great opportunity to teach here with Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL).  The Lord is doing an encouraging work through…

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PCA 50th Anniversay

Dear HLPC family, It has been a whirlwind-few-weeks it seems.  Right after we finished Vacation Bible School, it was off to the PCA General Assembly in Memphis, TN where Ruling Elder Keith Duvall and I served as commissioners.  We gave…

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June Update

Dear HLPC family, Vacation Bible School 2023 is well underway, and God has answered prayers.  We have a wonderful team of volunteers who are joyfully serving children, and the curriculum we are using does a great job of pointing kids…

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Psalm 138:3

Dear HLPC family, This passage has been heavy on my mind and heart the past couple of days:  On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased (Psalm 138:3, ESV).  It’s the words of David…

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Budget Decisions

Dear HLPC family, Last night the Elders and Deacons met for their monthly meeting.  A major business item was the approval of the 2023 budget.  In November of last year, the decision was made to move from a calendar year…

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Psalm 1:1-3

Dear HLPC family, This morning I was reading and praying through Psalm 1 in my daily time of Bible reading and prayer.  There I read: Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands…

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