Semper Reformanda
Dear HLPC family I’ve been encouraged by the Adult School of Discipleship class being taught by Erik Fuqua, Chuck Ezell, and Ryan Watson on Presbyterian church history. Rather than being a big pat on the back for us, I believe…
Bankson Update
Dear HLPC family, Thank you so much for your prayers for travel safety and for the opportunity to speak at a Pastor’s Conference in Mexico City during Thanksgiving Week (on Thanksgiving Day I had tostados instead of turkey). It was…
Put Not Your Trust in Princes
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every…
“Like Lambs in His Bosom Borne”
Dear HLPC family, This past Sunday we sang the hymn “How Firm a Foundation.” Like many of you, I’ve sung that hymn many times over many years. However, this past week the 5th verse caught my attention in a fresh…
Looking Unto Jesus
Dear HLPC family, At least once a year I like to share with you a real gem from Charles Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning by Morning. It’s one of my favorites that needs repeated attention. Spurgeon, as you know, was the well…
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Dear HLPC family, Just some miscellaneous thoughts today: Your Pastor, Paul
We’re Not Perfect–We’re Blessed
Dear HLPC family, It’s been great to be back here at HLPC! While getting a break from ministry responsibilities during our Sabbatical was welcome, Connie and I truly missed the church family here. It was a joy to be back…
“Sir, We Wish to See Jesus”
Dear HLPC family, This morning, I went back into the sanctuary and into the pulpit. I hadn’t been there in some time and wanted to revisit. I remember when that pulpit was moved from Kenny and Katy Rahn’s basement to…
Men’s Fellowship Update
“There are difficulties in everything except in eating pancakes.” – Charles Spurgeon Google the phrase “male friendship recession.” The results may alarm you if you aren’t familiar with the problem already. Dr. Anthony Bradley has written much on this problem…
Biblical Worldview
HLPC Family, Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of teaching a High School Biblical Worldview class at Westfield School. It’s something I look forward to every week. I would like to share one definition of a Biblical…
Three Lessons
Dear HLPC family, As my family and I draw near to the end of our internship and prepare to start the final year of my seminary training, there are several observations that I’m grateful to our Lord to have experienced…
Hallelujah! Ministry Update from Music Director Liz Weiss
Dear HLPC Family:There are few things in creation I love more than music. What a gift God gave us in the gift of song and praise! It has such power: to uplift, to move to tears, to bring people together.…
Wisdom from John Newton
Dear HLPC family, I have been reading through the letters of John Newton during this season, and stumbled across a letter he wrote to a faithful member of his congregation, Miss Medhurst, who was experiencing some unknown trial in her…
Where Do We Find the Answers?
Dear HLPC Family, This congregation has not been unfamiliar with grieving as of late. Even my own community up north, the Mid-America Reformed Seminary community, has been visited by sorrow, grief, and mourning in the past months, and again very…
Thankful for a Stable Church
Dear HLPC family, As I sit to write you this Pastor’s Pen, I honestly find myself very weary. It’s been a physically and emotionally demanding few weeks here at our church for many of us. The past few days have…
“I Love VBS!”
Dear HLPC family, It’s time for my annual “Praise God for VBS” Pastor’s Pen! Once again, we have a great group of kids and a fantastic group of volunteers. Yes, it’s a tiring week for all involved, but we get…
Summer Intern & Deacon Nominations
Dear HLPC family, Franz and Kelliann Stagl, along with their three children, are making the trek from Indiana to Georgia today. They’ll be spending tonight in Nashville and will arrive tomorrow sometime. Please pray for their safe travels with three…
A Church’s Generational Legacy
Dear HLPC family, This past weekend I officiated the wedding of our niece, Amy, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She is the oldest daughter of Connie’s sister, Susie. We had a great time with family and enjoyed not only the wedding…
HLPC Officers’ Update
Dear HLPC family, Yesterday morning, the three of us attended the meeting of Central Georgia Presbytery in Macon. The Presbytery is made up of the Pastors and churches in a certain geographical area- in our case central Georgia as the…
The Ten Commandments
Dear HLPC family, This week begins a sermon series within a sermon series. We will be looking at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. I’m looking forward to our time together in this portion of God’s word and the encouragement…
“How Was Your Week?”
Dear HLPC family, “How was your week?” Like you, I get asked that regularly. Like you, I most often give what could be labelled as an automated response. “It was good.” That may or may not be true. Some weeks,…
Upcoming Changes, May 1, 2024
Dear HLPC family, A few things today: Connie and I are overwhelmed by the kind encouragement and generosity of our Elders and the church in regard to the Sabbatical we are taking in July and August. As part of our…
Psalm 107:43
Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD. Psalm 107:43 (ESV) Dear HLPC family, I’ve taken to reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day in an effort to gain…
Maundy Thursday
Dear HLPC family, Our church does not follow a strict liturgical calendar. If we did, we would be highlighting and celebrating many additional and different days and seasons of the year. What we, and many other churches out of the…
Summer Seminary Intern
Dear HLPC family, A number of you will remember Franz and Kelliann Van Stagl. They were an Air Force family that were a part of our church family during Franz’s assignment at Robins Air Force Base. Upon separation from the…
The Neglected Psalm: 119
Dear HLPC family, John Calvin described the book of Psalms as “an anatomy of all the parts of the soul.” This was his way of saying that the Psalms capture all the emotions of life—praise, joy, sadness, distress, grief—as well…
Elders Meeting Report
Dear HLPC family, Last night the Elders met for their monthly Session meeting. Once again, the Lord was kind to bless us with great rapport and shared purpose. It’s not that the Elders never see things differently, but when they…
Missions Week Update
Dear HLPC family, I’m grateful to God for how He has blessed us so far in this Missions Week 2024. It was encouraging to hear from some of our newest missionaries serving in El Salvador, Clay and Hannah Jones. We…
Church Update
Dear HLPC family, Thanks to all that stayed for our AWOL gathering this past Sunday. I’m grateful for the work of our Deacons in presenting a financial update for the church and I’m always happy to review our desires and…
Elder & Deacon Update
Dear HLPC family, Last night the Elders and Deacons met for their monthly gathering. You should know that the Lord has been very good to us as a church in blessing us with godly men in places of those Biblically…
The Blessings of Teaching at SRL
Dear HLPC family, Thank you very much for your prayers for my week of ministry in Santiago, Chile teaching a course on the book of Ephesians. The Lord was very kind to me to give me uneventful and safe travel…
Ephesians & Empanadas
Dear HLPC family, Once again, greetings from Santiago, Chile. My time here is almost halfway over and I remain thankful for the great opportunity to teach here with Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL). The Lord is doing an encouraging work through…
Pastor Paul Travels to Santiago, Chile
Dear HLPC family, Apparently, my remarks this past Sunday confused some but I don’t leave for Santiago, Chile until THIS Sunday night to teach with Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL), which translates as “Reformed Seminary of Latin America.” My nonstop flight…
Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?
Dear HLPC family, This past Sunday I mentioned seven ways we can prepare our hearts for suffering. These seven ways come out of Ligon Duncan’s book Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? Since I ran through them rather quickly, I…
“The Prayer of Jehoshaphat”
Dear HLPC family, Years ago, a book became popular in Christian circles called The Prayer of Jabez. The theology of that book was fraught with problems. I’m more drawn to “The Prayer of Jehoshaphat.” Maybe I need to write a…
“Looking to Jesus”
Dear HLPC family, It’s June 28th. On this day in Charles Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning by Morning, is provided one of my favorites in the book. I’ve used it before as a Pastor’s Pen. Let’s read it again and let the…
PCA 50th Anniversay
Dear HLPC family, It has been a whirlwind-few-weeks it seems. Right after we finished Vacation Bible School, it was off to the PCA General Assembly in Memphis, TN where Ruling Elder Keith Duvall and I served as commissioners. We gave…
June Update
Dear HLPC family, Vacation Bible School 2023 is well underway, and God has answered prayers. We have a wonderful team of volunteers who are joyfully serving children, and the curriculum we are using does a great job of pointing kids…
VBS is Next Week!
Dear HLPC family, Last week, Connie and I took some time to be with our family on a week of vacation. My parents were able to join us making it an extra special trip. I was glad that Tim Grider,…
New Children’s Ministry Director
Dear HLPC family, The Lord has blessed our church with a great group of children! As a church, we are committed to covenant theology which sees the children of believing parents as a part of the church family or covenant…
Supplement Your Daily Devotions
Dear HLPC family, There is a wonderful abundance of daily devotional books. They are a great supplement to your own daily Bible reading. Connie enjoys reading Alistair Begg’s Truth for Life daily devotionals while I have benefited daily from Richard Sibbes’…
HLPC’s Children’s Ministry
Dear HLPC family, I’m sure you’ve noticed that God is blessing HLPC with an ever-increasing number of children! We are thankful for this opportunity to minister to them and to their families! Right now, we have several needs for help…
More, Not Less, of God’s Word
Dear HLPC family, I hope you will be able to join us this Sunday as we bookend the Lord’s Day with worship. We will have our regular worship service at 10:30AM and we will have Sunday evening worship at 6PM,…
Psalm 138:3
Dear HLPC family, This passage has been heavy on my mind and heart the past couple of days: On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased (Psalm 138:3, ESV). It’s the words of David…
Ligonier Conference
Dear HLPC family, Connie and I attended our first Ligonier National Conference in Orlando back in the early 90’s. We have been to many of them over the years. I have always left them greatly encouraged in my faith and…
Here comes the “Millennium!”
Dear HLPC family, Lord willing, we only have three more weeks in our sermon series on the book of Revelation. This Sunday, we expect to be in chapter 20. This is, without doubt, the most debated and controversial chapter of…
Budget Decisions
Dear HLPC family, Last night the Elders and Deacons met for their monthly meeting. A major business item was the approval of the 2023 budget. In November of last year, the decision was made to move from a calendar year…
Missions Week Continues: Join Us!
Dear HLPC family, Our Missions Week is off to a great start! If you were in our School of Discipleship this past Sunday, you heard two very encouraging missions reports. Shaun Hurrie shared from Capetown, South Africa, via Zoom, of…
Join Us for Missions Week!
Dear HLPC family, I’m excited that HLPC Missions Week is upon us! COVID threw us all off of our routine as a church and we need this to return as an annual event for us. Missions Week will take place…
Psalm 1:1-3
Dear HLPC family, This morning I was reading and praying through Psalm 1 in my daily time of Bible reading and prayer. There I read: Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands…