Calling All Campers: VBS 2015

“Let the little children come to me.” –Jesus

VBS Dates: June 1-5 / 8:45a-Noon

What do we need? VOLUNTEERS!!! This Sunday will mark the beginning of Volunteer Sign-Up. The Welcome Desk in the foyer will serve as The Volunteer Sign-Up Headquarters before and after the worship service. Someone will be there to answer any questions and provide details about volunteer opportunities. You are encouraged to stop by and “get on board!” 

What’s the theme this year? “CAMP KILIMANJARO: An Epic Expedition Through Proverbs.” We’re using the Answers in Genesis curriculum to look at the ears, the heart, the tongue, the hands and the feet. The AiG material is biblically sound and engaging. We always have a lot of fun with it. You can check it out here. (

Why do we do Vacation Bible School at HLPC? That’s a good question. And think about it. As a church, when else do we have a 3 hour block of time, 5 days in a row, to bring our children to Jesus? It really is a great opportunity for discipleship and evangelism!

I hope you can join us! It’s gonna be EPIC!