If you’ve been attending HLPC for any length of time you have been exposed to a catechism. For many Protestant evangelicals, the catechism strikes them as a Roman Catholic practice. This is unfortunate, as dismissing the catechism is to dismiss a wonderful discipleship tool.
A catechism is a series of questions and answers that articulates Biblical truth. Ours is not a catechism writing age, but our forefathers in the faith certainly were. Notable Reformed catechisms include the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms (larger refers to the longer answers that are given).
We are excited that our Kid’s Quest Catechism Club is off to a fantastic start. We are encouraging our children to learn the questions and answers in the children’s catechism to ground them in Biblical truth. I ran across an article recently that makes a strong case for catechism study and memory. Zach Barnhart, the author, says: “As our culture grows more post-Christian by the day, we must hold fast our beliefs and have the appropriate language for them. Catechisms are not the source of truth but they can give us structure to speak about it.”
He gives 6 reasons for studying and memorizing the catechism. They are:
- Helps us understand and clearly explain our beliefs.
- Helps us connect Scripture to doctrine.
- Helps us to have a doctrinal framework when we study our Bibles.
- Helps us commit truth to memory.
- Helps train our children to study the essential truths of Christianity.
- Helps us as disciples to slow down and meditate on Biblical truth.
You can use the catechism in your own personal study and with your family. Below are some links to resources you can look to for help in your study of this wonderful tool for growth and discipleship.
Westminster Confession & Catechisms
Westminster Confession of Faith Study Guide
Westminster Shorter Catechism Study Guide
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions in the Shorter Catechism
The Good News We Almost Forgot: Study in the Heidelberg Catechism by Kevin DeYoung