Looking Unto Jesus
Dear HLPC family, At least once a year I like to share with you a real gem from Charles Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning by Morning. It’s one of my favorites that needs repeated attention. Spurgeon, as you know, was the well…
Dear HLPC family, At least once a year I like to share with you a real gem from Charles Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning by Morning. It’s one of my favorites that needs repeated attention. Spurgeon, as you know, was the well…
HLPC Family, Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of teaching a High School Biblical Worldview class at Westfield School. It’s something I look forward to every week. I would like to share one definition of a Biblical…
Dear HLPC family, I have been reading through the letters of John Newton during this season, and stumbled across a letter he wrote to a faithful member of his congregation, Miss Medhurst, who was experiencing some unknown trial in her…
Dear HLPC Family, This congregation has not been unfamiliar with grieving as of late. Even my own community up north, the Mid-America Reformed Seminary community, has been visited by sorrow, grief, and mourning in the past months, and again very…
Dear HLPC family, As I sit to write you this Pastor’s Pen, I honestly find myself very weary. It’s been a physically and emotionally demanding few weeks here at our church for many of us. The past few days have…
Dear HLPC family, It’s time for my annual “Praise God for VBS” Pastor’s Pen! Once again, we have a great group of kids and a fantastic group of volunteers. Yes, it’s a tiring week for all involved, but we get…
Dear HLPC family, Franz and Kelliann Stagl, along with their three children, are making the trek from Indiana to Georgia today. They’ll be spending tonight in Nashville and will arrive tomorrow sometime. Please pray for their safe travels with three…
Dear HLPC family, This past weekend I officiated the wedding of our niece, Amy, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She is the oldest daughter of Connie’s sister, Susie. We had a great time with family and enjoyed not only the wedding…
Dear HLPC family, Yesterday morning, the three of us attended the meeting of Central Georgia Presbytery in Macon. The Presbytery is made up of the Pastors and churches in a certain geographical area- in our case central Georgia as the…
Dear HLPC family, This week begins a sermon series within a sermon series. We will be looking at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. I’m looking forward to our time together in this portion of God’s word and the encouragement…
Dear HLPC family, “How was your week?” Like you, I get asked that regularly. Like you, I most often give what could be labelled as an automated response. “It was good.” That may or may not be true. Some weeks,…
Dear HLPC family, A few things today: Connie and I are overwhelmed by the kind encouragement and generosity of our Elders and the church in regard to the Sabbatical we are taking in July and August. As part of our…