
Semper Reformanda

Dear HLPC family I’ve been encouraged by the Adult School of Discipleship class being taught by Erik Fuqua, Chuck Ezell, and Ryan Watson on Presbyterian church history.  Rather than being a big pat on the back for us, I believe…

Bankson Update

Dear HLPC family, Thank you so much for your prayers for travel safety and for the opportunity to speak at a Pastor’s Conference in Mexico City during Thanksgiving Week (on Thanksgiving Day I had tostados instead of turkey).  It was…

Put Not Your Trust in Princes

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every…

“Like Lambs in His Bosom Borne”

Dear HLPC family, This past Sunday we sang the hymn “How Firm a Foundation.”  Like many of you, I’ve sung that hymn many times over many years.  However, this past week the 5th verse caught my attention in a fresh…

We’re Not Perfect–We’re Blessed

Dear HLPC family, It’s been great to be back here at HLPC!  While getting a break from ministry responsibilities during our Sabbatical was welcome, Connie and I truly missed the church family here.  It was a joy to be back…

“Sir, We Wish to See Jesus”

Dear HLPC family, This morning, I went back into the sanctuary and into the pulpit.  I hadn’t been there in some time and wanted to revisit.  I remember when that pulpit was moved from Kenny and Katy Rahn’s basement to…

Men’s Fellowship Update

“There are difficulties in everything except in eating pancakes.” – Charles Spurgeon Google the phrase “male friendship recession.” The results may alarm you if you aren’t familiar with the problem already. Dr. Anthony Bradley has written much on this problem…

Biblical Worldview

HLPC Family, Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of teaching a High School Biblical Worldview class at Westfield School. It’s something I look forward to every week. I would like to share one definition of a Biblical…

Three Lessons

Dear HLPC family, As my family and I draw near to the end of our internship and prepare to start the final year of my seminary training, there are several observations that I’m grateful to our Lord to have experienced…

Psalm 107:43

Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things;  let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD. Psalm 107:43 (ESV) Dear HLPC family, I’ve taken to reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day in an effort to gain…