Christianity & Liberalism

Dear HLPC family,

This year is the 60th anniversary of the publication of the book Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen.  Dr. Machen was the founder of Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia and one of the early leaders in the founding of a sister denomination, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). 

Machen was a staunch advocate for Biblical truth and for the Reformed faith.  His book, first published in 1923, is still very applicable.  The February issue of Tabletalk magazine, published by Ligonier Ministries, focuses on his life and work. 

A very interesting bit of Machen history is that his mother’s family was from Macon.  Some of you with a history in Macon will recognize the Gresham name from a school named for Machen’s maternal grandfather who served as Mayor of the city.  The 1842 Inn in Macon was once the home of Machen’s grandparents, and he spent his summers there.  Most interestingly for us Presbyterians is that his grandfather served for 40 years as the Clerk of Session for First Presbyterian Church in Macon.

This Sunday evening we will have a worship service at 6PM.  We’ll sing some hymns, enjoy fellowship, and I want to preach on Acts 20:13-38 including some of the concerns Machen raises in his book, Christianity and Liberalism.  I hope it encourages and equips us.

Please come and bookend your Lord’s Day with worship and fellowship this Sunday!

Your Pastor,
