Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare

Just for much needed clarification, “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare” is a hymn written by John Newton NOT by Paul Bankson! We’re going to sing this great hymn this Sunday evening at 6PM at our 5th Sunday Prayer and Praise gathering (it’s sung to the tune of “Take My Life and Let it Be”).

John Newton, as you most likely know, was the author of probably the best known hymn in the world, “Amazing Grace.” Newton gave great testimony to the grace of God in his life as he was brought to faith and Christ out of a life lived in the 18th century slave trade. God’s amazing grace made him into a godly and effective pastor. He penned a number of powerful, Christ centered hymns.

His hymn “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare” is not about a trip to the dry cleaners- it’s about PRAYER. When you read the word “suit” think of the language of a courtroom. You could insert the word “petition” here.   Newton goes on to say, “Come, my soul, thy suit prepare: Jesus loves to answer prayer; he himself has bid thee pray.” Charles Spurgeon, the great pastor of 19th century London, would have his congregation sing this hymn in preparation for their own times of prayer. It is this hymn that contains the stanza I mentioned in this past week’s sermon: “Thou art coming to a King, large petitions with thee bring; for his grace and pow’r are such, none can ever ask too much.”

I sincerely hope and pray you’ll make a special effort to join us this Sunday night. In light of our recent look into Daniel 9 we are going to draw guidance from that portion of Scripture to structure our time of prayer. In addition, we are going to sing some of the great hymns of John Newton. I believe you’ll enjoy our gathering and I believe HLPC will benefit from your coming alongside your fellow believers to pray! We will have childcare for kids 3 and under and afterwards we’ll enjoy brownies and ice cream! Please, please come! Prepare your “suit!”