Coming Up: SRL Presentation & New Song Concert

Dear HLPC family,

This Sunday night, Lord willing, I plan to give a talk entitled “Contending for the Faith Once Delivered: Dealing with False Teaching & Teachers.”   This message will be a part of the online conference being put on by Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) that will be available on YouTube in October.  More information about this conference is found HERE.   SRL, as many of you know, is a ministry we support here at HLPC that provides seminary training for pastors in Latin America.  In the past, thousands of people in Latin America have participated in these online SRL conferences.  I’ll be looking at the book of Jude to find Biblical help for discerning and defending against false teaching and teachers.   I hope you’ll join us this Sunday night at 6PM here at HLPC.

Please continue to pray for our students and their leaders who are attending the Reformed Youth Movement (RYM) conference this week in Panama City Beach, Florida. This is much more than a week at the beach!  Our students will sit under excellent teaching and seminars that will encourage and equip them.  My three sons all loved their years at RYM and I remain grateful as a parent for what they learned there.  Pray that our students grow much this week and have a safe and fun time of fellowship.

Lastly, I hope you’ll be here Thursday night at 6PM for the New Song concert.  New Song is a singing ensemble from Geneva College, the school where our own Joe & Liz Weiss attended and met.  It should be a great evening!

Once again, please bring back any church bulletins from churches you visit over the summer!  I love seeing what other congregations are doing and what we might learn from their ministries!

Your Pastor,
