Dear HLPC family,
We believe that the children of believing parents who are members are to be considered part of our church family—they are covenant children. This is a major reason why we baptize our infant children as we claim God’s covenant promises on their behalf.
While they are thus members of the church family, we believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper requires understanding and embracing what the Supper points to—the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We take seriously the Biblical instruction that those who take the Lord’s Supper should be able to examine themselves and to discern the Lord’s body in the meal—or understand its meaning (see I Corinthians 11:28-29). We see baptism as a sacrament of entrance into the covenant family while the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament of participation or communion. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper have distinct emphases, though both are what Martin Luther called “visible sermons of the gospel.” Until our children profess their faith in Jesus Christ, we consider them “non-communing members.”
To help our covenant children and their families, we offer what is called a “Communicants’ Class” to help prepare them to come to the Table to take Communion. This class will meet for 4 Sundays this fall, starting September 18th, during the School of Discipleship time in my office. I will lead this class to discuss the gospel, what it means to be a church member, and what it means to take the Lord’s Supper. Kids who have been asking questions about the Lord’s Supper and have expressed faith are encouraged to come and their parents are welcome too! At the end of the class, students and their parents will meet with me and a couple of our Elders so that the children can have the opportunity to express their faith in Christ and commitment to the church. In this way the Elders will joyfully admit them to the Lord’s Table upon this profession of faith.
Please let the church office know if you are interested in having your child participate or use the connection card this Sunday. Please feel free to email or call with any questions.
Your Pastor,