Dear HLPC family,
There are so many things that we should be praying about right now. The situation in Ukraine is before us. Our missionaries, Bob and Andrea Burnham, are there and they are concerned, not only for their own safety, but for the safety of the people to whom they minister. We are still seeking full recovery from COVID and its variants around the world. A number of our own at HLPC are facing health challenges or grief. Add to that the myriad of burdens and discouragements we face. Prayer is not something we merely should do, it’s something we are desperate to do.
It’s for this reason we look forward to having Dr. Guy Richard with us this Sunday, February 27th. He’s coming to speak on “Persistent Prayer,” which is also the title of his most recent book. I’m so glad all the copies we had were picked up this past Sunday. You can still order copies online. I hope you’ll come to both School of Discipleship and worship this Lord’s Day as Dr. Richard speaks to us both times. I believe we’ll all be encouraged in our prayer lives. Also—please plan to stay for our after worship potluck, we call AWOL. Feel free to bring something to share!
Like Jacob in Genesis 32 we are in difficult days. Let’s pray and plead with God and, like Jacob, persist in our prayer. He wouldn’t let go as he wrestled with God–let’s not let go either as we seek the Lord’s intervention.
May God encourage us to pray and may He encourage us as we see Him at work.
Your Pastor,