This past weekend Connie, Matthew, and I made a quick trip to Lookout Mountain, TN to Covenant College where our two oldest sons, Andrew and Stephen, are currently students. We went to see the annual big fall event on campus known as “Mountain Affair”. This is a big deal talent show that requires tryouts in order to perform. Only twelve acts were approved. Our son, Andrew, played electric guitar in one band and accomplished percussionist Ben Kinnebrew (son of Todd and Monica) actually played in two bands, one of which won second place! It was a fun evening for us.
Covenant College students lined up several hours before the start of the show so as to get good seats when the doors opened. With 45 minutes before the start of the show the chapel, where the show was performed, on campus was filled with students. There was an outdoor screen on which the show was also streamed live. As parents, we were allowed to get in early and had some great seats for viewing.
What entertained me for the 45 minutes during the wait inside were the students. Music was played that kept them on their feet, many of them dancing in place or even in the aisles. Their joy and enthusiasm was hard to contain. It made me wish to be a college student again. A few times during the wait time, during the impromptu dance party, someone would go to the microphone and ask the students to return to their seats and sit down to help with the seating of others. The subsequent calm would last for a couple of minutes at best. Soon the place was rocking again. The students were enjoying the music in anticipation of the big show to come.
I found in that scene a picture of the Christian life. The world around us wants us as believers in Jesus Christ to “keep our seats”. Don’t let our faith intrude into the public arena. Keep our worldview to ourselves. If our faith helps us- that’s fine- but don’t let it enter any discussion of morality, ethics, or social issues such as marriage.
May the music of the gospel and the joy of knowing Christ fuel in us joyful boldness. May we, by God’s grace, be equipped for winsome witness. We need to voice with our lips the truth of the gospel and live lives of joyful obedience to the true King.
Our world desperately needs a Church that can’t keep her seat.