Don’t Miss Out

I want to encourage you to make our weekly School of Discipleship a regular part of your week. Please don’t be a “90-minute Church member” whose only church involvement is weekly worship from 10:30 to noon (actually, we’re done before noon but you get the idea). What do we have to offer?
First, you can join us for doughnuts and coffee at 9AM. This is a new thing for us but has received a great reception. You’ll enjoy the fellowship! Second, we offer time together in God’s Word with others in age appropriate settings.
Our kids, from toddler to 6th grade, are using the excellent “Show Me Jesus” curriculum with takes them through a study of the Scriptures. We are enthusiastic about the quality of this material and have wonderful teachers who view this as their ministry. Your kids are missing out if they’re not involved.
Our youth, both junior and senior high, are meeting for study as well. We offer Biblically and theologically solid studies to ground them in their faith. Again, our leaders are excited to meet with your students and help them grow in their faith.
Last, but not least, our adult class is using the Sinclair Ferguson study on “The Whole Christ.” I’m personally very excited about this study not only because of its deep dive into the gospel and its implications but also because it is based on the excellent book written by Dr. Ferguson by the same title. Sinclair Ferguson is one of my favorite preachers and teachers. If I could afford to pay you all to come on Sunday mornings for this study, I would. I’ll just let this word of encouragement suffice!
I hope to see you all this Sunday morning. You won’t regret it. The Puritans called the Lord’s Day the “the market day for the soul.” In other words, it was a day to enjoy the riches of the gospel and be satisfied in all that is ours in Christ. Take full advantage of these opportunities to dig deeper into all that God has for us this Sunday!