Dear HLPC family,
Last night the Elders met for their monthly Session meeting. Once again, the Lord was kind to bless us with great rapport and shared purpose. It’s not that the Elders never see things differently, but when they do, the differences are handled with grace and humility.
We heard encouraging news from Heather Collins, our bookkeeper, that our finances are sound. We heard from Ruling Elder Keith Duvall, that he has a long-range planning team in place that will meet for the first time this Sunday. We were encouraged to hear updates from Cathy Alvord and Zach Hood who, along with our interns Laney Doster and Ethan Queen, are seeing God at work in the children’s and youth ministries. We discussed the recent Missions Week and our desire to take on new ministries to support. We expect recommendations to be forthcoming from our Missions Committee along those lines.
It was a very good meeting that was closed in a season of prayer for the church and for individuals and families in need in our church. I remain very thankful for the Elders and Deacons the Lord has raised up here at HLPC. I’m very thankful to pastor this wonderful church. As the Psalmist has said, “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,” (Psalm 16:6, ESV).
Your Pastor,