Everyone’s a Theologian is a recent book by Dr. R.C. Sproul, founder of Ligonier Ministries and Sr. Pastor of St. Andrew’s Chapel in Orlando, FL. Sproul understands that all of us have theological commitments. They may be rooted in God’s Word or just in personal opinion and experience but they are theological nonetheless.
For us to have a healthy theology we must turn to the Scriptures. We need to have a Biblical theology. We live in an age of great secularism. We need to be able to understand and to defend what we believe. We need to be able to articulate those beliefs. For that reason, I’m looking forward to meeting with as many men in HLPC who are able on Friday mornings at 7 here at the church. We’ll have coffee and a simple breakfast (could be donuts!). We’ll have lively discussions based on Sproul’s book and pray together. We’ll dismiss by 7:45AM so you can get to where you need to be! If we need to adjust some of these times, we’ll be flexible. Please join us this Friday!
Also, let me strongly encourage all of you to come to our School of Discipleship time this week at 9:15. Our Deacons will be giving a brief 2015 budget presentation. We desire to be a church that keeps you informed and not in the dark. Please come this Sunday. I urge ALL of our members to make a special effort! Consider this a means to keep your vow to support the church in its worship and work to the BEST of your ability