Facing Uncertainty with Jesus

This past Lord’s Day we considered Jesus’ words in Mark 13. Parallel accounts of what we have come to call Jesus’ “Olivet Discourse” (which was given on the Mount of Olives and thus was given this title) are found in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. This chapter has been a difficult one to interpret for many scholars and Bible teachers. If you were here, you remember that what was presented was a view that sees part of Jesus’ words fulfilled in 70 A.D. when the temple was destroyed and other parts of the chapter yet to be fulfilled until Jesus returns. If you weren’t here you are welcome to go to the church web site and listen to or even watch the sermon.

Mark 13 shows us that Jesus can make prophetic statements because He is our King, our Priest, and the great and final Prophet! We need to take that to heart. It is of great comfort to us to know that He truly holds the future in His hands.

This doesn’t mean that our future will all be pleasant with no struggles or pain. It does mean that our futures are no surprise to Him. He is able to sustain us through whatever trials may come. According to Romans 8:28, He is able to cause all things to work together for our good. This doesn’t mean all things that come our way are good in and of themselves but that somehow God can work things for our good. That good may mean our growth in Christlikeness or that we put confidence in Christ and not in self.

This weekend we are looking forward to seeing our oldest son, Andrew, graduate from Covenant College along with HLPC’s own Ben Kinnebrew, son of Todd and Monica. As of this writing, Andrew still doesn’t know his immediate future. As his parents, Connie and I are anxious right alongside of him! This is where I have to ask, “Do I believe these things or merely tell others to believe them? Do I really believe that God is sovereign or not?”

Andrew and our family are not the only ones in our church facing uncertainty. Many of you are as well. Let’s hold one another up in prayer that we would all believe the truth that Jesus is our Prophet, Priest, and King. He reveals God’s truth, He makes intercession for us, and He rules and defends us. That’s real comfort! That’s how we face uncertainty with Jesus.