Fall Is Here!

Fall is here. Kids are back to their roles as students, college football is underway, and Labor Day is behind us. The only downside for us here in middle Georgia is that we hold on to the summer temperatures for a while longer and I am anxious to say goodbye. This also means that HLPC MidWeek is back! We’re kicking things off TONIGHT and I hope you can come.
In addition to the meal at 5:30 (which I trust you signed up for and if you did, thank you) we will offer the following at 6:30PM:
• Grace Notes & The Ology- the kids will have a short time of music followed by a study of Bible truths in a study called “The Ology.” Then, we turn them loose on the HLPC playground!
• Junior & Senior High “D” groups (discipleship groups)
• Women of the Word Study- our women will meet for a Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth study on the Biblical character of Abigail.
• Dead Theologians Society- the men will be studying works by our godly forefathers in the faith. Our first study will be of John Murray’s classic book, Redemption, Accomplished, and Applied.
• Prayer Gathering- you are invited to come to the Pastor’s office to pray for our church, our world, and for one another.

In addition to MidWeek, please keep in your plans our Prayer and Praise Gathering to take place this Sunday evening at 6:30PM in the fellowship hall. In addition to singing and a brief study, we’ll spend time in prayer for our world, our church, our community, and ourselves. No one is made to pray out loud. Childcare will be available for those 4 and under. Hope you can make it.