From Camp to Mission

Last week the UNCHAINED Youth of HLPC went to RYM. RYM stands for Reformed Youth Ministries. They do a lot of things by way of supporting youth ministry in our denomination. HLPC has been going to one of their summer camps for many years now. Our most recent trip was my third. We took 14 youth and 3 chaperones – our biggest group ever! Let me tell you, RYM camp is a real blessing. We start every day with personal devotions. The mornings are filled with 2 elective classes. These consist of 4 days of solid, biblical teaching on subjects such as: The Sovereignty of God, Who is Jesus and Why Does it matter, Digital Christianity, Preparing for College, Relationships with the Opposite Sex, The Gospel According to Les Miserables, etc. We spend the afternoons at the beach, playing sports, and hanging out. We have large group gatherings filled with fun, worship, and a message from the camp pastor. The last thing we do is come together as a church group and talk about what God has been teaching us. The week is always rich. You should be proud of our students and thankful to God! Our students soak it all up and represent HLPC well every year!

Next week we will be in Macon serving with Strong Tower Fellowship in the underprivileged community of Pleasant Hill. We will put on a VBS in the mornings for over 70 children from Pleasant Hill. In the afternoons we will be working with the Youth of Strong Tower on a neighborhood beautification project. We will be clearing out an overgrown lot – removing fallen tree limbs, removing brush and rocks, demolishing a dilapidated shed and cutting the grass. If anyone is interested in joining us in the afternoons, let me know. We’d love to have your help! In the evenings we are going to continue hanging out with the Youth of Strong Tower and do things like go to Lake Tobesofkee, attend a Braves game, and go to Wednesday night church at Strong Tower. Please pray for safety, effective ministry with the children, bonding with the Strong Tower Youth, and unity among our team. Also, if you have a weed eater, push mower, chainsaw, wheelbarrow or walk-behind Bush Hog, let me know. We could use it.

I want to thank the people of HLPC for your support of the Youth. We are a covenant community – connected to each other through the blood of Christ. Thank you for taking that seriously!