They say knowledge is power. Many in our culture advance the idea that education is THE key for success and a meaningful life. But in 1 Corinthians Paul tells us that “knowledge puffs up.” It’s good for feeding the ego and making us prideful. Paul goes on to say that “love builds up.” There is a big difference between being puffed up and being built up. A balloon is easily puffed up and can just as easily be popped. It takes a lot of work to build something. And if done well, it will last.
Is education important? Absolutely! Is religious education important? Absolutely! Jesus said “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The purpose of religious education is not to puff up – but to see the end of ourselves and embrace the truth that we need a savior. Education – by itself – won’t cut it. We need to be built up in the love of God.
This is why we place a high priority on educational ministry at HLPC. This is also our goal for Vacation Bible School. We want to see our children built up in the love of God. Our VBS for this year comes from Answers in Genesis and is called Kingdom Chronicles. It is a medieval-themed curriculum based on the armor of God. It’s gonna be a lot of fun! The dates are June 24-28. Don’t forget to register your children! Also, if you’re helping out with VBS, we’re having Volunteer Training tonight (WED) from 6:30P-8:30P. Snacks will be provided!
Most of you know I am, officially and finally, a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando. My seminary professors were some of the most humble people you would ever meet. And they were keen on emphasizing the devotional nature of biblical and theological studies. They knew very well that “knowledge puffs up” and “love builds up”. I am forever grateful for their influence on my spiritual life. …So, I managed to squeeze a three year degree into twelve years. I could not have done it without the love and support of my family and HLPC. Thank you all for seeing me through. And thank you for the graduation gift. You all are very kind. Sunny Orlando killed our van’s AC on our second day there. Your gift came in handy.
Acts 20 records Paul’s words to the Ephesian elders. “And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” That ain’t no empty, puffed-up balloon, kind of stuff. That’s the truth! And the truth shall set you free!