Dear HLPC family,
The past two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind for Connie and me. We spent a week of vacation followed by a weekend away for a family wedding in Ft. Lauderdale, in which I had a part. It was very busy. I’m grateful to have had John Gordy and our own Clif Wilcox to more than capably fill the HLPC pulpit. As the saying goes, I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!
I return to HLPC with much to look forward to. This week we officially welcome Zach and Olivia Hood to our church staff. This coming Sunday we will have our first AWOL in quite a while and not only welcome them but some new members as well. If you are willing and able to stay, this should be a good time of fellowship. Bring a main dish or side to share!
In addition, Lord willing, we will return to the book of beginnings, the book of Genesis, as our sermon series this coming Sunday. Our vacation was to the “Mighty Five” national parks of southern Utah. Connie and I saw much of God’s beautiful creation. The word “wow” was often expressed as we saw stunning view after stunning view. I’m grateful for the trip that the Lord blessed and to have been reminded of not only His creative power but also His own love of beauty that we witnessed.
Glad to be back and to be your Pastor!
In Him