God Answers Prayer! April 7, 2021

Dear HLPC family,

For weeks we have been asking the church family to pray for our Easter worship and weather, and God abundantly supplied!  We had a great day with near perfect weather and joyful worship.  I want to thank again all those who worked hard to make Sunday such a great day.  Please make a point this week to give God thanks and praise for His mercy toward us in answering the prayers of His people!

I want to ask for your prayers for me, personally, this week.  Thursday and Friday night I’ll be teaching in Bogota, Colombia. As you would expect, this will be done through Zoom and with an interpreter.  I will be teaching students with SRL or Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (Reformed Seminary of Latin America) in the Doctrine of Christ.  SRL is a ministry we support here at HLPC that is working to train up indigenous pastors in Latin America and to ground them in the doctrines of the Reformation.  Noe & Mimi Acosta founded this ministry, and I am pleased to serve on the Board of Directors.  Please pray that despite the need for a translator that I communicate Biblical truth effectively and clearly.  I’ll be teaching two introductory sessions both nights from 5:30 to 7:00PM.

This Sunday we will return to our series in Hebrews and I’m grateful for the opportunity to dive into this book of Scripture again.  We’ll be in Hebrews 12:3-11.  It’s got a lot of encouragement for us as we face hard and difficult times.  Hope to see you this Lord’s Day!

 Your Pastor,
