Dear HLPC family,
Last Sunday we heard from missionaries Russell & Amanda Jeffares who were here along with their two boys sharing about their call to assist in church planting in Ireland. Along with many of you, I was struck by how few evangelical Christians there are in Ireland (the birthplace of C.S. Lewis, by the way). Russell told us that there were only .05% in the whole country—which means there are more evangelical Christians in Pakistan than in Ireland! Be reminded that an evangelical is defined as a Bible-believing Christian who holds to historic truths of the faith.
I’m encouraged to report that the Jeffares are our newest missionaries that will receive regular support from HLPC. It’s a joy to partner with them in prayer and financial support for the work of the gospel in Ireland. Let’s pray for the Jeffares that the remainder of their support comes in and that COVID concerns ease so that they can move onto the field soon.
Let’s also continue to pray for the health, not only of HLPC, but of the evangelical church here in the United States. As Clif Wilcox observed, present day Europe provides a glimpse of what the United States may become in terms of increasing secularism. There is much that discourages us about our own country, but we must be reminded that Jesus has promised to build His Church, and the gates of hell cannot withstand it’s advance! We are a people of hope and confidence in the gospel. Let’s pray that HLPC is a church for this post-Christian culture through which God brings great renewal.
One last thing, Chip Miller is the Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Macon and is a good friend. He has recently launched a daily podcast that I want to commend to you. It’s called “Five Minutes with God.” It’s a great daily encouragement from Chip who is a gifted Bible expositor. You can do a search for it on your podcast app or click HERE.
Your Pastor,