Gratitude for Easter Blessings

Dear HLPC family,

Once again, the Lord blessed us with a wonderful Easter!  I was a bit anxious about the weather and what it would do to the egg hunt, but God was gracious!  Once again, the decorations and flowers were beautiful, the Easter brunch was delicious, and the music provided by our gifted musicians was outstanding!  I was also encouraged to see so many guests and even some folks who’ve not been able to attend of late!  Let me thank all of you and, more importantly, thank the Lord, for His grace and blessing.

Easter was also a hard day for many in our congregation.  Some were unable to attend due to illness.  Others of us are facing trials of a wide variety.  In some ways it served to make the hope of Easter more powerful.  Jesus’ resurrection is proof that all the promises He makes are true.  Promises we turn to during hardship.

As I mentioned Sunday morning, in reality, every Lord’s Day is an Easter celebration.  We gather on that day because Jesus rose on the first day of the week.  Whereas before the resurrection, the Lord’s Day was the last day of the week as we looked forward. Now that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is accomplished, we, in a sense, look backward all week.

I look forward to seeing you again this Lord’s Day!  He is risen!

Your Pastor,
