Great Week in Cali, Columbia

Paul Bankson

            Thank you very much for praying for Connie and me as we were in Cali, Colombia last week, November 7-16.  I was there to teach and to preach with Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) or the Reformed Seminary of Latin America.  As you know, this ministry, supported by HLPC, was founded by Noe and Mimi Acosta and it serves to teach and train indigenous pastors for ministry in Latin America.  Originally known as “Gospel Through Colombia,” the impact of SRL has spread throughout Latin America.

            Connie and I were immensely encouraged to see how God is at work through SRL in Latin America.  I went to Cali- Colombia’s third largest city- and taught a course on the doctrine of Christ and then preached on Sunday in the church in which SRL classes are held.  These were very warm, gracious people who welcomed me with literal open arms.  Latin culture is very relational!

            Near the end of the following week Connie and I were a part of a magnificent conference called the Reformed Conference of Latin America.  I was privileged to be one of eight speakers at this conference that had 600 in attendance.  I spoke three times and of course, each time through an interpreter.  It was a tremendous joy and honor for me to be a part of this event.

            These trips serve to fuel a vision in me for what God is doing in Latin America.  Whenever I worship with brothers and sisters in these settings and hear them singing praises in, what is to me, a foreign language, it brings me to tears.  It reminds me how the gospel is indeed for “every tongue, tribe, and nation.”  I look forward to the opportunity to share with you some pictures and more about what we were blessed to see and experience.  Again, I thank you for praying.  God indeed blessed!