Have You Circled September 4th on Your Calendar?

Some things change and some things stay the same.

HLPC Midweek Meals will resume next Wednesday, September 4th. Wednesday nights have played an important role in the life of our church for several years now. We want to provide an opportunity where people can connect, share a meal and have a conversation or two. We also want to strengthen each other in the faith. We are excited about the several opportunities we have this Fall to do just that.

A few things will stay the same as always. The meal will be served from 5:45-6:30. It will cost $4 per meal with a cap of $15 for families of four or more. (Children 2 and under will eat free.) You can still sign-up online, at the lobby desk or in the green registration pads. The youth will still meet from 6:30-8:00 and the Wednesday Night Women of the Word group will meet from 6:40-8:00. And, as always, it will be a good time of food & fellowship.

We also have a few new things going on which we’re really excited about. We have a great team of folks who have been working on a new program for our children called “Kids of the Kingdom.” The material we’re using comes out of Alistair Begg’s church. All children from 3K-5th grade are invited to join us from 6:30-7:30 for singing, storytelling, a lesson and games. 6th graders will help us out – BIG TIME – by serving as helpers for “Kids of the Kingdom.” Speaking of helpers, the “Kids of the Kingdom” team could use a couple of extra adults each week to walk around with the children from station to station. We have sign-ups on the desk in the lobby.

That’s not all folks! Pastor Paul will be leading a study for adults entitled “Answering Objections to Christianity” from 6:40-7:30. Nursery will be provided for newborns to age 2. And finally, about once a month, everyone from 3K to age 99 will work together on a Service Project from 6:40-7:30. This will be a great opportunity to live out covenant community and teach our children to look outside of themselves for opportunities to serve others.

So, have you circled September 4th on your calendar? It’s gonna be a good time!