Dear HLPC family,
As I write this, Vacation Bible School 2022 is well underway. Yet again, I am encouraged by the total team effort by many in our church family who have risen to the occasion for a week of ministry to the children of our church and community. It’s a week I get to show up to the church in shorts and a t-shirt! I thank the Lord for the opportunity to watch our youth and adults teaming up to serve children!
In God’s providence, our VBS curriculum, published by Answers in Genesis, dovetails extremely well with our Summer Sermon Series. In full disclosure, this wasn’t planned by me as I thought to do this series apart from thinking about VBS. But it was certainly planned in God’s providence. Just today, the kids heard of God’s omniscience, His omnipresence, and His omnipotence—the three truths we saw in Psalm 139 this past Sunday. In fact, our Bible lessons are taking the kids back to that Psalm! Let’s pray God’s truth finds roots in many hearts this week!
There’s more to be said later, but please be in prayer for the PCA General Assembly to be held June 21-24 in Birmingham, Alabama. Two of our Ruling Elders, Michael Collins and Kevin Epperson, and I will be attending as commissioners. This is an important week in the life and work of our denomination and prayer needs to be a priority. We will plan to give a report on General Assembly one Sunday during School of Discipleship later in the summer.
Your Pastor,