Life is all about change. That’s hard to escape. Nothing stays the same. One thing we can’t stop is time and time brings change. That thought has been hitting me hard of late. I feel a bit like the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes who notes the constant change of seasons and march of time.
I’m not depressed, mind you, just a bit sober. It may have something to do with the fact that our youngest is graduating high school this week and Connie and I stand on the precipice of being empty nesters. No longer will there be three boys to follow around from one school event to another. Now, it’s more about keeping two beagles from digging out of the back yard.
All this thought about change is more reason to be grateful for the One who never changes. We call the doctrine of God’s unchangeableness his immutability. The book of James says of God, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (James 1:17). In the book of Malachi we read “For I the LORD do not change;” (Malachi 3:6). This is also expressed in the Scripture, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Some of you thrive on change. Our military families are all too used to it. Others of us struggle with it. Of course, the reality is we all face it. Our bodies change, our families change, our culture changes, technology changes- you get it. Some of us want to stop and scream, “Enough change!”
God never changes. His steadfast love and covenant faithfulness are forever. The good news of the gospel will never change. Therefore, I can be encouraged to trust God’s character and His Word. Regardless of the increasing amount of gray on my head- God’s purposes and His promises stay the same. That brings encouragement.
I’m a bit late for a mid-life crisis but life’s changes have me pensive. I don’t think you’ll see me soon in a red sports car or using hair dye. But if I’m a little more serious than usual come August when Matthew goes off to Auburn, you’ll know why. Now, where’s that order form for season football tickets?