It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night. (Psalm 92:1-2) (ESV)
Dear HLPC family,
I wanted to give thanks to the Lord for some specific things this February 2, 2022. First, the Lord was gracious to my wife, Connie, yesterday and gave her His protection. While in the middle lane heading north she was sideswiped by a car on I-75. She spun out and ended up against the median guardrail facing south. It was a hit and run. It was God’s kind providence she didn’t hit or was hit by another vehicle. She’s a bit sore today and that’s all. I wanted to give God praise for her safety and for the kind care she received from the Byron Police Department.
Second, I wanted to give thanks to God for the Elders He has raised up here at Houston Lake Presbyterian and for the joy and privilege of serving alongside of them. We met last night, and we enjoyed great comradery as we discussed and prayed for the ministry of HLPC. I’m very grateful for leaders who love one another and even like one another! Not all churches, sadly, can say this.
Thanks be to God for His kindness and blessing.
Your Pastor,