It’s great to be back in my office after 4 weeks away for my Sabbatical. I’m very grateful that the church gave me such a great blessing in the gift of time away to recharge and rejuvenate. It was restful both physically and spiritually. What were some of the highlights?
• I greatly benefited from time reading and praying. I was particularly helped by a book I read entitled, Rediscovering Humility written by my friend, Chris Hutchinson. I will be writing a review soon and there will be copies on the church bookshelf so that you can read it as well.
• Our trip to Washington, D.C. was a highlight. It was a somber privilege to attend the burial of Mark Weber at Arlington National Cemetery. As you would expect, it was a very moving experience. We need to continue to pray for Mark’s family. The service was a real testimony to his faith in Christ. I’m glad we at HLPC were able to be a part of Mark’s spiritual family for the time he was stationed at RAFB and after.
• Our time in western North Carolina this past week was a great time to be with our boys and daughter in law as well as with other family. Time in the mountains is always good for my peace of mind. I never get tired of the view.
It will be good to return to the pulpit. This Sunday we are beginning a new sermon series in the book of James entitled “Practical Faith.” I look forward to exploring this epistle with you in the weeks ahead. It will also be a great joy to reconnect with our church family here at HLPC. It was an admittedly strange experience to be out of the loop as we were.
The four weeks away was great but near the end I grew antsy to be back home and to be back at HLPC. I’m grateful for this church, for the privilege of serving here as pastor, and for what God has done here. God has been very good to us at HLPC. We are not the perfect church- such churches don’t exist- but we are blessed in many ways. May God use us in even greater ways to reach out with the gospel and to equip God’s people for life and ministry.