Join us for Family Worship!

I must begin this Pastor’s Pen on a bit of a sad but thankful note. The Air Force is moving the Drowns! Brent will be soon taking a new job in Columbus, MS. We will certainly miss the Drown family and have been very grateful for their ministry among us! One of the things Brent has done for us is to lead our children on Wednesday nights. We thank him for taking the kids through the Gospel Project materials.

This gives us the opportunity to start something fresh TONIGHT. We want to offer a brief time of Family Worship in the sanctuary for all families and kids! This is an opportunity to practice as a church family what can be happening in our homes as well.

I’ll be leading this time and I’m excited about this for a couple of reasons. One, it gives me an opportunity to interact with our children as their pastor. Secondly, it gives me an opportunity to encourage the practice of family worship in our homes. We’ll be learning hymns and some of the stories behind them. We’ll be having brief, interactive times of looking at God’s Word, and we’ll also be going out to the playground (a Wednesday night perennial favorite). We’ll keep things simple but the goal is to offer something for the entire family that will encourage and equip.

The women’s study on James and the Covenant Theology study will continue! Two of our HLPC Elders will facilitate the fellowship hall study. Wednesday nights will retain their family flavor with something for all. Our youth will still enjoy their weekly fellowship and study while other gatherings take place in the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, the conference room, and the youth room.

I look forward to seeing you tonight!