Dear HLPC family,
Tonight, we will wrap up our study on the doctrine of salvation–what we call “Soteriology.” In particular, we have looked at the Ordo Saludis which is Latin for “the Order of Salvation.” This has been a study on the process by which God calls us to Himself and the work He does for us and in us. Romans 8:30 is a verse that shows us a glimpse of this process and has been called the “unbroken golden chain of salvation” where it reads And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
Tonight, we will look at “Glorification.” This is the final link in the chain. This is a look at what God promises to us in eternity when it will be impossible even to think about sin. How could this not be an encouraging look into Scripture? I hope you’ll join us via Zoom. You can find the link information below.
Hope to see you tonight!
Your Pastor,