Dear HLPC family,
This morning I was encouraged yet again by Matthew 14:22-33. It’s the story of Jesus walking on the storm-raged waters of the Sea of Galilee as He made his way out to His disciples. They had been straining at the oars in a boat in fear for their lives for most of the night. I’m sure after nine hours on the water they were all exhausted and in great fear for their lives. Jesus comes trampling on the stormy seas. Then we see Peter’s famous walk on the water. As long as his eyes were on Jesus, he was fine. As soon as he took His eyes off of Him, Peter began to sink.
The lesson is obvious–in times of fear, doubt, worry, and pain that seem to have no end, is when we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. It will be a fight to do so, and we shouldn’t be surprised when we’re like Peter and we are overwhelmed by our circumstances. The story ends with Jesus and Peter back in the boat and Jesus stops the storm. The application to our own struggles and this season of life are many. Let’s pray for each other and encourage each other to fix our eyes on Jesus.
Tonight at 7PM, we’re are going to provide online access to the HLPC MidWeek Study using Zoom. This will allow folks to dial in on their phones and listen as well as join in using audio and video on the computer. It’ll even make things more interactive. We’re going to look at the Biblical doctrine of sanctification. What does it mean that God is in the business of changing us? I hope you’ll join us! The information you need for tonight is below. Hope to see you then!
Your Pastor,