Who needs a marriage conference? If you’re married or contemplating marriage- then YOU do. You need to carve out some time February 19-21 for “The Messiness of Marriage” Conference to give some attention to a very important relationship that God has graciously given- the covenant relationship of marriage. I don’t care how healthy your marriage is, every marriage needs a tune-up.
Rev. Robby Holt of Northshore Fellowship PCA in Chattanooga, TN will be our speaker. Robby is very gifted pastor who is part of a very dynamic church. I’ve known Robby for a long time and I’m very confident you will enjoy your time with him. In fact, I’m willing to make these two guarantees:
- You’ll enjoy hearing Robby and you’ll enjoy your time with others.
- You’ll leave with some encouragement on how your marriage can be sweeter and stronger.
We kick off Friday night, Feb. 19th at 6:30 with a BBQ supper. $25 per couple will cover your meal and other conference expenses. Confidential scholarships are available- please see one of our pastors. We will have childcare for those 12 and under provided by our youth who are raising money for the Honduras missions trip. We’ll have a continental breakfast when things resume Saturday morning Feb. 20th at 8:30AM. We’ll be done by noon! Robby will wrap things up when he preaches for us on Sunday morning, Feb. 21st.
You can register and even pay online by clicking HERE. You need to be here. Your marriage will benefit. Please, please come.