MidWeek: We Want YOU!

This week we are re-starting our MidWeek gatherings on Wednesday nights and I sincerely hope our HLPC church family will take full advantage of this opportunity for fellowship, encouragement and growth! We have purposed to offer something for everyone to make it worth your while. What are we offering?

1. A good meal at a good price- our meal is a means for you to have fellowship around the tables and even make things easier for you one night of the week. We start serving at 5:30PM.
2. Time spent with your HLPC family- seeing one another only on Sunday mornings for an hour or two is woefully deficient for building meaningful relationships. We think MidWeek is a great tool to connect with each other.
3. Something for all ages- at 6:30PM we have a great time planned for kids with music (“Grace Notes”) and a short study on “The Ology.” In addition, we’re factoring in some play time. We think they’ll benefit from this and have fun. There will be D-groups (Discipleship Groups) for junior and senior high youth and studies for both men and women. There’ll also be time for prayer in the Pastor’s Office.

So please take advantage of HLPC MidWeek! I’m looking forward to seeing you! You can sign up for meals below!