Dear HLPC family,
As I mentioned in an earlier Pastor’s Pen, Holly Kirkpatrick was our most recent Nursery Coordinator. She served graciously and willingly in a time of need for our church, and we thank her for her ministry. I am now pleased to announce that we have a new Nursery Coordinator, Jessica Fuqua. We are very excited and thankful that she is able and willing to serve in this position! You’ll be seeing her name in the bulletin. Please pray for Jessica and do all you can to support her in this important area of ministry—providing excellent care for the youngest among us!
This Sunday you will find copies of Dr. Guy Richard’s latest book Persistent Prayer in the church foyer. You can pick up one of these copies at a reduced cost. Dr. Richard, who is president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta, will be with us February 27th and will speak on prayer during School of Discipleship as well as preach for us in worship. We will cap the day by having an After Worship Opportunity for Lunch (AWOL). I’m very much looking forward to Dr. Richard’s time with us!
Lastly, our newest School of Discipleship class for Young Adults (college age and beyond) is off to a great start. Chuck & Neysa Ezell along with Lee & Jenny Ledger are providing leadership for this group. If you fit the description of young adult, please come join the group this Sunday meeting in Zach Hood’s office.
Your Pastor,