
Odds and ends from the Bankson family and HLPC news:

  • On Saturday, May 6th, our son, Stephen, graduated from Covenant College with a degree in Physics. We celebrated with him and my parents in Chattanooga, TN. He is currently working for the summer as program staff at Ridgehaven Camp (the PCA camp and conference center) near Asheville, NC.
  • Last week, May 8-10, I had the privilege of attending the Basics Pastor’s Conference at Parkside Church in Cleveland, OH. This is the church where Alistair Begg is pastor. Along with 1,300 other pastors, I sat under the teaching of Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, and Al Mohler. It was a great three days. This is my second time to attend this conference and I hope to return again someday. The preaching was outstanding and I was truly moved by the way the Parkside congregation served the pastors who came to this conference. Among those serving were Kathy Tufts’ parents and her sister, Cheryl, and her family. I’m grateful that HLPC gave me the opportunity to be encouraged in this way. It’s so good as a pastor to sit under the preached word yourself from time to time!
  • Like many of you, I’m looking forward to the summer schedule before us. Tonight at 7PM we kickoff our study on Luther and the Reformation and our VBS is around the corner on June 5-9. The theme this is “Operation Arctic: Exploring the Coolest Book on the Planet.” We will take a look at the Bible as God’s Word.
  • Shane Hall, our Director of Youth Ministry, has an exciting summer planned for our youth. In addition, we have hired two youth interns for the summer in Cole Morton and Holly Fall! You’ll be seeing them soon.  Pray for the summer youth ministry.

Lastly, as you vacation and travel this summer, I’d love it if you’d bring back a bulletin/worship folder from the churches you may worship in. They are always a welcome source of ideas!