Just some things I believe are truly worth your time and attention…
• If you’re not coming to HLPC’s School of Discipleship Sundays at 9:15AM, you’re missing out on an opportunity for your own growth in grace. Tieman Slagh has just started a great new series for adults on 2 Peter. We, of course, have something for all ages- toddlers to youth- as well. Please come. It’s a great way to make the most of the Lord’s Day!
• Let me put in a plug for HLPC MidWeek as well. We offer a meal at a reasonable cost so we can gather around the tables for fellowship. Afterwards, Kevin and Kristin Epperson are doing a fantastic job providing a dramatic reading of C.S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy. Then, there is the HLPC kid’s choir, called “Grace Notes” and prayer time for adults in the Pastor’s study. The ladies’ study on the book The Envy of Eve happens at 6:30PM. Please join us!
• I’m getting more and more excited about our Reformation Conference with Dr. Noe Acosta, October 27-29. Noe is a very engaging speaker and the Lord has been using him to equip pastors in Latin America. I know you’ll enjoy him and his wife Mimi as they are with us. He is looking forward to being with us as well!