“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31
It’s amazing the times in which we find ourselves. The term “social distancing” was something we’d never heard of before and now we all use it regularly. I was pretty good about washing my hands already but now I feel as if I’m scrubbing for surgery at every opportunity. Standing in the pulpit last Sunday was very emotional for me as I looked out on a basically empty sanctuary. I think it’s safe to say that was the hardest Sunday I’ve ever experienced as pastor of Houston Lake Presbyterian. Like most of you, I never saw this coming.
The Session has determined that we will need to continue our online worship services through April 5th and will discontinue any events here on the church property until that time when we can re-evaluate where things are. I was very grateful for the sound team, musicians, and vocalists who helped in our recent online worship effort. The Session also made the decision that we are moving our worship time to 10:00 AM. We believe this will help alleviate some of the technical difficulties some of you experienced. We’ll remind you throughout the week of this change.
Also, please plan to go to the Houston Lake Presbyterian Church Facebook page tonight at 7PM for a time of study and prayer via Facebook live. I’ll be leading this from home using my laptop. I hope many of you will join in as we look at what Psalm 139 teaches us about the nature of God and how that can encourage us during hard times such as these.
Ligonier Ministries has provided something extraordinary for us during these days. They have made their entire video library accessible at no charge. Go to https://www.ligonier.org/blog/all-teaching-series-now-free-stream/
and check it out! This is a great way for you and your family to redeem some of the time we are hunkered down practicing our “social distancing.”
Let’s make efforts to stay in touch! Again, I hope to “see” you all tonight for our Facebook Live MidWeek Bible Study from at 7PM. I’m really looking forward to sharing this time together. I miss you all. May God miraculously slow this virus and may a vaccine be rapidly developed. May He then grant us the blessing of gathering together very soon.
One last, practical suggestion. Today I walked to the church office from my house, only about a mile. It did wonders for me as I walked and prayed and meditated on Psalm 46. I would encourage you to do the same sometime as you are able.