New Children’s Ministry Director

Dear HLPC family,

The Lord has blessed our church with a great group of children!  As a church, we are committed to covenant theology which sees the children of believing parents as a part of the church family or covenant community.  We want to do all we can to encourage them to grow deep roots in the gospel and Biblical truth so that, by God’s grace, they may grow into godly, mature men and women.

I am excited to announce we are taking a step forward in doing a better job in that area.  Cathy Alvord has agreed to come on the staff of HLPC and serve as our new Children’s Ministry Director!   Cathy brings years of experience in teaching along with a love for children to serve in this position.  I’m very excited for this addition to our church staff.  Cathy will begin this new part-time position on June 1st.  Please welcome Cathy and be praying for the Lord to use her in this new role!

Let me put in another impassioned plea for our whole church family to come together to serve during Vacation Bible School week.  If you can provide any help the week of June 5-9, we could use you!  My wife, Connie, is serving as this year’s VBS director.  If nothing else, please commit to praying for this week of ministry when HLPC is “all hands on deck” as we pull together to point kids to the Lord Jesus Christ!  If you can help that week and have not yet signed up, please email Connie at

Your Pastor,
