A New Year is always a great opportunity to get a fresh start on a variety of things (particularly dieting after the holidays). Here at HLPC we don’t want to deprive you of fresh opportunities for service within the body. Would you please prayerfully consider how you could be involved in the life and ministry of our church? Here are some real and current needs we have:
- Wednesday night MidWeek Meal prep– you don’t have to be a chef! If you can warm things on the stove or turn on the oven you’re qualified! We’re looking for a group of volunteers that can rotate Wednesdays.
- Wednesday night MidWeek Kid’s Quest– we are glad to offer a time to encourage catechism study and memory. There is a wide range of ways to be involved. Please help us disciple our covenant children!
- Nursery – please, please consider taking a turn! The more who help, the less turns all have to take. Confidential background checks are required.
- Sunday Greeters– we need more smiling faces at the door to welcome guests and give any needed directions.
- Sunday Ushers– this is a simple task where you can help collect our offering during worship.
- Sunday Security Team– keep an eye on things during worship. Training provided.
- Churchwide Fellowship Team– this group helps plan and promote church wide events designed to build relationships and provide fellowship. We could always use extra voices (and hands).
Why not e-mail the church office NOW and express your willingness? We’re praying that you do!