Notes from Ellijay

Last week we took 18 youth to Ellijay in north Georgia. We had a great time! One of the things we did up there was tube down the Cartecay River. The rapids require your attention. But there are also long stretches of river where you can just sit back and enjoy the scenery. If you’ve ever been on a river you know that the banks are often full of vegetation. Lush. Green. Fruitful.

As I was taking all this in, Psalm 1 came to mind. “Blessed is the man… whose delight is in the law of the LORD… He is like a tree planted by streams of water.” During devotions one night we talked about Psalm 1 and the opportunities we have to “plant” ourselves next to the “streams” of solid, biblical teaching. The discussion was fruitful. We talked about Sunday worship, personal devotions, Wednesday Night Youth, and trips like the one we were on.

We also talked about School of Discipleship and how it’s an opportunity for “meat & potatoes” type nourishment. It’s a time for us to dig deep into Scripture and look at life from a Christian worldview. I encouraged the youth not to pass it up. …We need to put some meat on those bones. I want to encourage everyone in the same manner. Dig in and dig deep. Take advantage of the biblical training and discipleship programs of HLPC.

Speaking of School of Discipleship, the children of HLPC will spend the month of July in a combined children’s class. “Move-Up” Sunday will be August 3. Also, Pastor Paul will be teaching a combined adults’ class in July. The Hebrews study & Westminster Confession study will resume in August.

One more thing. “The harvest is plenty but the workers are few.” A few School of Discipleship opportunities have opened up recently. We need to have those positions filled in time for “Move-Up” Sunday, August 3. If you are a member and willing to serve up the “meat & potatoes” of the gospel to our children, PLEASE talk with Randy Saye. ( …We need to put some meat on those bones!